Cascading Crises: Orbital Debris and the Widening of Space Security

Bleddyn E. Bowen

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The term space security is often used, but seldom analyzed. This is a significant gap in the literature of space politics, as it posits considerable implications for debates on how to deal with a runaway growth in the space debris population, and how we argue for or against space weaponization. Securitizing all threats in space may lead to greater difficulties in enacting debris removal measures, as these systems are inherently dual-use. A case is made for keeping space security in its traditional connotations of national security so that environmental issues related to orbital debris can be resolved with reduced security concerns in a space development framing
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)46-68
Number of pages23
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 02 Jan 2014


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