CEPPAD - Comprehensive energetic particle and pitch angle distribution experiment on POLAR

J. B. Blake*, J. F. Fennell, L. M. Friesen, B. M. Johnson, W. A. Kolasinski, D. J. Mabry, J. V. Osborn, S. H. Penzin, E. R. Schnauss, H. E. Spence, D. N. Baker, R. Belian, T. A. Fritz, W. Ford, B. Laubscher, R. Stiglich, R. A. Baraze, M. F. Hilsenrath, W. L. Imhof, J. R. KilnerJ. Mobilia, D. H. Voss, A. Korth, M. Güll, K. Fisher, M. Grande, D. Hall

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152 Citations (Scopus)


The CEPPAD Experiment consists of four sensors for investigating energetic particle phenomena on the POLAR mission. These sensors provide 3-D proton and electron angular distributions in the energy range of 20 keV to 1 MeV, energetic proton and electron measurements extending to energies greater than 10 MEV, high angular and time resolution measurements in the loss-cone, and data on energetic neutral particles. All sensors operate in conjunction with special on-board data processing units which control sensor data acquisition modes while performing in-flight data processing, data compression, and telemetry formatting. Presented here is a CEPPAD system overview together with descriptions of the individual sensors, the in-flight data processing, and examples of sensor calibration data.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)531-562
Number of pages32
JournalSpace Science Reviews
Issue number1-4
Publication statusPublished - Feb 1995


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