Comparison of blinkers and explosive events: A case study

Danielle Bewsher, Davina Innes, Clare Parnell, Daniel Brown

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Blinkers are brightenings at network cell junctions that are traditionally identified with SOHO/CDS and explosive events or high velocity events are identified in high resolution UV spectra obtained from HRTS and SOHO/SUMER. Criteria are determined to facilitate objective automatic identification of both blinkers and explosive events in both SOHO/CDS and SOHO/SUMER data. Blinkers are identified in SUMER data, if the temporal resolution of the data is reduced to that of CDS. Otherwise short lived, localised intensity enhancements that make up the blinker are identified. Explosive events are identified in CDS data when the line width is significantly increased, and occasionally if there is an enhancement in the wing of the line profile. A theoretical statistical model is presented which hypothesises that blinkers and explosive events are random and not connected in any way. The results given in this paper suggest that this hypothesis can not be rejected and our probability interpretation of the recent results of Brkovi´c & Peter (2004) are inconclusive.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)307-317
Number of pages1
JournalAstronomy and Astrophysics
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 11 Mar 2005


  • Sun: transition region


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