Convolved Feature Vector Based Adaptive Fuzzy Filter for Image De-Noising

Muhammad Habib, Ayyaz Hussain, Eid Rehman, Syeda Mariam Muzammal, Benmao Cheng, Muhammad Aslam*, Syeda Fizzah Jilani

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In this paper, a convolved feature vector based adaptive fuzzy filter is proposed for impulse noise removal. The proposed filter follows traditional approach, i.e., detection of noisy pixels based on certain criteria followed by filtering process. In the first step, proposed noise detection mechanism initially selects a small layer of input image pixels, convolves it with a set of weighted kernels to form a convolved feature vector layer. This layer of features is then passed to fuzzy inference system, where fuzzy membership degrees and reduced set of fuzzy rules play an important part to classify the pixel as noise-free, edge or noisy. Noise-free pixels in the filtering phase remain unaffected causing maximum detail preservation whereas noisy pixels are restored using fuzzy filter. This process is carried out traditionally starting from top left corner of the noisy image to the bottom right corner with a stride rate of one for small input layer and a stride rate of two during convolution. Convolved feature vector is very helpful in finding the edge information and hidden patterns in the input image that are affected by noise. The performance of the proposed study is tested on large data set using standard performance measures and the proposed technique outperforms many existing state of the art techniques with excellent detail preservation and effective noise removal capabilities.
Original languageEnglish
Article number4861
Number of pages17
JournalApplied Sciences (Switzerland)
Issue number8
Publication statusPublished - 12 Apr 2023


  • adaptive threshold
  • divide and conquer strategy
  • fuzzy logic
  • fuzzy reasoning
  • image de-noising


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