Crystal structure of β-d-galactofuranosidase from Streptomyces sp. JHA19 in complex with an inhibitor provides insights into substrate specificity

Noriki Fujio, Chihaya Yamada, Toma Kashima, Emiko Matsunaga, Robert J. Nash, Kaoru Takegawa*, Shinya Fushinobu*

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d-Galactofuranose (Galf) is widely distributed in glycoconjugates of pathogenic microbes. β-d-Galactofuranosidase (Galf-ase) from Streptomyces sp. JHA19 (ORF1110) belongs to glycoside hydrolase (GH) family 2 and is the first identified Galf-specific degradation enzyme. Here, the crystal structure of ORF1110 in complex with a mechanism-based potent inhibitor, d-iminogalactitol (Ki = 65 μm) was solved. ORF1110 binds to the C5–C6 hydroxy groups of d-iminogalactitol with an extensive and integral hydrogen bond network, a key interaction that discriminates the substrates. The active site structure of ORF1110 is largely different from those of β-glucuronidases and β-galactosidases in the same GH2 family. A C-terminal domain of ORF1110 is predicted to be a carbohydrate-binding module family 42 that may bind Galf. The structural insights into Galf-ase will contribute to the investigation of therapeutic tools against pathogens.

Original languageEnglish
JournalFEBS Letters
Early online date14 Nov 2024
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 14 Nov 2024


  • glycoside hydrolase family 2
  • mechanism-based inhibitor
  • α-l-arabinofuranose
  • β-galactosidase
  • β-glucuronidase


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