CUDA performance in DNA analysis: Analysis of CUDA architecture performance in DNA analysis

Daniel Cadete*, António Dos Anjos, Hamid Reza Shahbazkia, Richard Christen

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference Proceeding (Non-Journal item)


It is shown how Nvidia Cuda can contribute to the analysis of DNA data. Three approaches are described, one using CPU threads and the other two using Cuda. For both Cuda approaches, advantages and disadvantages related to the Cuda Architecture, are presented. It is shown that, in some cases, one of these two approaches is competitive with the approach using CPU threads, and the other approach may produce good results in a near future.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication Proceedings of the International Conference on Bioinformatics Models, Methods and Algorithms
Number of pages5
ISBN (Print)9789898425362, 9898425369
Publication statusPublished - 2011
EventInternational Conference on Bioinformatics Models, Methods and Algorithms, BIOINFORMATICS 2011 - Rome, Italy
Duration: 26 Jan 201129 Jan 2011


ConferenceInternational Conference on Bioinformatics Models, Methods and Algorithms, BIOINFORMATICS 2011
Period26 Jan 201129 Jan 2011


  • CUDA
  • DNA analysis
  • Parallel computing


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