Data-driven Future: Highlights from the National Workshop on Agriculture Management in a Changing Climate

Archita Mallick, Anuva Chowdhury, Jayesh Mukherjee, Surajit Ghosh*, Avinandan Taron, Bunyod Holmatov, Ashish Ghosh

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The present report highlights the prime objectives, discussions, and insights from the "Training Workshop on Digital Data and Tools for Managing Agriculture: Focusing on Earth Observation Data and Climate Change" organised at IIIT Bhubaneshwar from 21 st to 23 rd December 2023. IIIT Bhubaneshwar, IWMI and IEEE, GRSS Kolkata Chapter jointly conducted the workshop. The main aim of the workshop was to equip participants with practical skills and knowledge to utilise digital data and tools, especially EO data, for effective agricultural management in the context of climate change and make evidence-based decisions to confront challenges in the food system, urban and peri-urban water pollution and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)761
Number of pages1
JournalJournal of the Geological Society of India
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - 03 May 2024


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