Detholiad o Emynau Iolo Morganwg: A volume for specialist and non-specialist audiences, providing edited texts of a selection of neglected hymns by the major literary and cultural figure Iolo Morganwg. The contextual and textual scholarship is result of archival research into unpublished manuscript and eighteenth-century print sources.

Translated title of the contribution: Selected hymns of Iolo Morganwg

Research output: Book/ReportEdited book

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The volume is based on original archival research and textual scholarship. It comprises an introduction to the generic, thematic and denominational dimensions of the neglected hymns of a major literary and cultural figure for a specialist and non-specialist audience (7,400 words); a scholarly edition of texts retrieved from unpublished manuscript and eighteenth-century print sources (41,700 words); and a concise vocabulary (800 words).
Translated title of the contributionSelected hymns of Iolo Morganwg
Original languageWelsh
Place of PublicationAberystwyth
PublisherCanolfan Uwchefrydiau Cymreig a Cheltaidd | Centre for Advanced Welsh and Celtic Studies
Number of pages277
ISBN (Print)9780947531935
Publication statusPublished - 2009

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