Dohter/Daughter: Practice-led enquiry directed by Jill Greenhalgh examining how the intimacy and complexity of the mother daughter dyad might be authentically presented – as opposed to represented – as performance by devising and exploring an evolving dramaturgical structure that could engage female performers from the locality of its sites manifestation and thus allow each staging its distinct cultural and political inflection.

Jill Greenhalgh

Research output: Non-textual formPerformance


International theatre research laboratory: directed by the author.

This practice-led project was developed in three distinct performance laboratory workshops convened, completed and tested/performed in the public domain. In each instance, the laboratory period lasted between five and ten days and four to eight hours per day, with groups of ten women performers aged between 18 and 70. Each participant also worked privately for one hour per day with a partner: whenever possible and appropriate, this was their daughter or mother.

Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationWales, Denmark, Spain, Brazil
Media of outputDVD & Physical Portfolio
Publication statusPublished - 01 Oct 2012


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