Effect of gravity on the orientation and detachment of cubic particles adsorbed at soap film or liquid interfaces

Tudur Davies, Christophe Raufaste

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We investigate the interaction that occurs between a light solid cube falling under gravity and a horizontal soap film that is pinned to a circular ring. We observe in both experiments and quasi-static simulations that the final orientation of a cube that becomes entrapped by a soap film is strongly dependent on the Bond number. A cube is rotated by a soap film into one of three main orientations in a process that is driven by energy minimisation. The likelihood of observing each of these final orientations is shown to depend on the Bond number, and the most energetically favourable orientation depends on the terminal height reached by the cube. We also find a critical value for the Bond number, above which a cube is no longer supported by a soap film and detachment occurs, to be less than one.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)6964-6971
Number of pages8
JournalSoft Matter
Issue number29
Early online date30 Jun 2021
Publication statusPublished - 07 Aug 2021


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