Entropy based landcover classification using polarimetric SAR images and GMM method

Rajib Kumar Panigrahi, Amit Kumar Mishra

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper


An unsupervised classification scheme based on the use of polarimetric entropy, alpha angle and complex Wishart classifier is widely used for landcover classification. The segmented zones in the entropy/alpha plane is fed as the initial input to Wishart based classifiers. The Wishart based classifiers highly depend on this initial input. However as the entropy/alpha boundaries are fixed, this scheme does not perform satisfactorily in some cases. We propose a modified version of this scheme in which the entropy/alpha boundaries are set based on the nature of the dataset. The popular Gaussian mixture model clustering method is used in deciding the boundaries. The proposed procedure which is reported in this paper is found to enhance the landcover classification capability and computational efficiency of the classic entropy based Wishart classifiers.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages4
Publication statusPublished - 18 Dec 2011
Externally publishedYes
Event2011 IEEE Applied Electromagnetics Conference, AEMC 2011 - Kolkata, India
Duration: 18 Dec 201122 Dec 2011


Conference2011 IEEE Applied Electromagnetics Conference, AEMC 2011
Period18 Dec 201122 Dec 2011


  • Landcover classification
  • polarimetric SAR


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