Exploiting dietary fibre sources in equine diets

Annette C. Longland, Meriel Jean Scott Moore-Colyer

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper


Based on presentations given at a conference organised by the British Society of Animal Science and the British Grassland Society, and including several overseas contributors, this volume is an authoritative European text. The research findings are grouped into five main topics: Health, welfare and behaviour • Breeding and genetics • Nutrition • Grassland and equine business management • Exercise physiology Contents Foreword by HRH The Princess Royal Metabolic responses of muscle to exercise Muscle morphology heterogeneity: control, significance for performance and respones to training The mechanics of equine locomotion: a review of progress in our understanding of the mechanical basis of locomotor performance and disease Breathing and bleeding - the problems of being big and running fast Causal factors of equine stereotypy The putative reward function of equine stereotypic behaviour Equine neutrophil elastase 2A concentrations in tracheal wash preparations and synovial fluid as a potential objective marker for inflammatory airway and joint diseases in horses Development and application of modern breeding technologies to the horse Mapping the grey gene in Thoroughbred horses Factors influencing placental and fetal development in the mare: important considerations for the selection of embryo recipients Towards a common equine rationing system across the European Union Partitioning degradation of feeds between different segments of the equine digestive tract Exploiting dietary fibre in equid diets Effects of airway inflammation, ozone and exercise on the pulmonary antioxidant capacity of the horse: a war of nutrition Equine forages and grassland management The challenge of attracting and retaining sponsorship in eventing Posters Index
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2004


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