Facial ageing

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter

9 Citations (Scopus)


In this chapter we outline current research into face ageing and explore both computational methods and perceived results. We describe methods to digitally alter an image of a human face of known age, such that the image becomes an estimation of the same person apparently aged by a set amount. This has many useful applications, from locating missing persons to improving identification systems to take ageing into account. It is also of interest to the cosmetics industry, to simulate and evaluate the effects of anti-ageing treatments, as well as the entertainments industry, for example to age an actor.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationCraniofacial Identification
EditorsCaroline Wilkinson, Christopher Rynn
PublisherCambridge University Press
Number of pages11
ISBN (Electronic)9781139049566
ISBN (Print)9780521768627, 9780521139717
Publication statusPublished - 01 May 2012


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