Forward Modelling of a Brightening Observed by AIA

Daniel James Price, Youra Taroyan, Davina Innes, Stephen. J. Bradshaw

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A comprehensive understanding of the different transient events is necessary for any eventual solution of the coronal heating problem. We present a cold loop whose heating caused a short-lived small-scale brightening that was observed by AIA. The loop was simulated using an adaptive hydrodynamic radiation code that considers the ions to be in a state of non-equilibrium. Forward modelling was used to create synthetic AIA intensity plots, which were tested against the observational data to confirm the simulated properties of the event. The hydrodynamic properties of the loop were determined. We found that the energy released by the heating event is within the canonical energy range of a nanoflare.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1931-1945
JournalSolar Physics
Issue number7
Early online date23 Jun 2015
Publication statusPublished - 01 Jul 2015


  • corona
  • structures
  • flares
  • microblares and nanoflares
  • heating
  • magnetohydrodynamics


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