From Sheep to Shop: The Wool Assemblage

Anthonia Ijeoma Onyeahialam

Research output: Contribution to conferencePoster

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Mapping globalised rural connections: Case studies from the Global countryside
We use GIS to communicate and visualise the impact of globalisation processes taking place in rural towns in UK and Australia and Ireland. Specifically we look at how global commodity chains and corporate networks interact with place to create multiple connections and assemblages.
• Firstly we look at wool originating from Wales and the way it travels through global chain from the skin of sheep owned by a local farmer to then find itself in our household item.
• We then look at Food in Newtown
• We look at the Sugar industry in Nambour, Australia
• We look at patterns of migration and settlement in the rural town of Gort, Ireland
• Africa has become the continent of land grabbing, with global investments for multiple uses coming as far as fast east and as near as a next door neighbour. We look at way these acquired lands are invested and how they feed into the global commodity chain and corporate networks.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2016
EventIRSA Conference - Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada
Duration: 10 Aug 2016 → …


ConferenceIRSA Conference
Period10 Aug 2016 → …
Internet address


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