Future-proofing regulation for rapidly changing biotechnologies

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Our understanding of DNA structure and how it interacts with the environment to give form and function at the organism level is growing at an unprecedented pace which shows no sign of slowing. These developments have already led to many new products and will continue to underpin as yet unpredicted future developments in biotechnology. However, this potential will not be realised unless the mechanisms for risk assessment, regulatory approval, product claims and labelling etc. are fit for purpose, have the confidence of all stakeholders and are sufficiently agile to support this rapidly changing field. The sectors that are making particular advances in biotechnological processes include agriculture, pharmaceuticals, food, chemical and human diagnostics and therapeutics. In many of these areas the research, investment and innovation pipeline is operating well as evidenced by the many marketed products. However, developments in plant breeding methods have posed particular challenges for regulators which in turn is stifling R&D and innovation, particularly in the EU. In rapidly moving areas of research and development, it is imperative that regulatory frameworks are future-proofed by design.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)107-110
Number of pages4
JournalTransgenic Research
Issue numberSuppl 2
Early online date18 Jul 2019
Publication statusPublished - 01 Aug 2019
EventOECD Conference on Genome Editing: Applications in Agriculture - Implications for Health, Environment and Regulation - OECD Paris, Paris, France
Duration: 28 Jun 201829 Jun 2018


  • Agriculture/trends
  • Biotechnology
  • Crops, Agricultural/genetics
  • DNA/genetics
  • Humans
  • Plant Breeding


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