Gene marksmanship access to quality HMW subunit gene expression in transgenic wheat

施 农农, 何 光源, 李 克秀, H. D. Jones, P. R. Shewry

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To explore the feasibility of using genetic engineering techniques for quality improvement of wheat by particle bombardment of Hubei Province three varieties of wheat E - en No. 1, Emai 11 and Emai 12 were high-molecular-weight glutenin subunits (HMW- GS) gene 1Ax1 and 1Dx5 + 1Dy10 transduction. The results showed that the frequency of regeneration and transformation frequency by the bombardment of immature embryo explants was significantly higher than that of young panicle; differences among genotypes callus regeneration capacity and frequency conversion, a direct impact on the success rate of wheat transformation; 3 immature embryo development period and the frequency of regeneration showed a significant negative correlation varieties (r = -0.93, or -0.95); under controlled environmental conditions, the test plants were immature embryo transformation frequency 12 ~ 14 d after flowering, the highest (E Well No. 1, Emai 11 and Emai 12, respectively, 4.5%, 2.9% and 2%). Studies have shown that E Well No. 1, Emai on the 11th age of immature embryos tested materials, with advantages subunit gene 1Dx5 molar ratio and a selectable marker gene and 1Dy10 2: 1 molar ratio of precipitate wrapped powder, dried after 600 ~ 900 psi pressure helium bombardment, callus induction on MS medium containing 0.5 mg · L-1 2,4-D's, containing 0.1 mg · L-1 2,4-D and 5 mg · L-1 differentiated zeatin R media, 3mg · L-1 L-PPT selection pressure subculture differentiation filter, to obtain a stable fertile T0 transgenic plants and endosperm-specific expression of T1 transgenic seeds.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)874-881
Number of pages8
JournalChinese Agricultural Sciences
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - 2005


  • conversion
  • expresssion
  • common wheat
  • Ax1
  • 1Dx5 + 1Dy10


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