Genetic background and agronomic value of leaf types in pea (Pisum sativum)

Aleksandara Mikić, Vojislava Mihailović, Brankob Ćupina, Valentin Kosev, Tom Warkentin, Kevin McPhee, Mike Ambrose, J. Hofer, Noel Ellis

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Pea (Pisum sativum L.) has a compound leaf like many other legume species. The 'semi-leafless' pea (afaf tltl), with all leaflets transformed into tendrils, is considered one of the most important achievements in pea breeding, due to a significantly enhanced standing ability and equally efficient dry matter production in comparison to normal-leafed genotypes (AFAF TLTL). 'Semi-leafless' cultivars provide high and stable grain yield and are dominant in the modern dry pea production worldwide. There are also 'semi-leafless' cultivars that are autumn-sown and those for forage production. The genotypes with all tendrils transformed into leaflets (afaf tltl), called 'acacia' or 'tendril-less', are extremely prone to lodging and may have importance in breeding for forage production. Little is known about the potential agronomic value of 'acacia-tendril-less' (afaf tltl) genotypes.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)275-284
Number of pages10
JournalField and Vegetable Crop Research
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2011


  • acacia leaf type
  • agronomic value
  • breeding
  • compound leaf
  • genetics
  • pea
  • Pisum sativum
  • semi-leafless leaf type


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