GIS as a storytelling platform: Case studies from the rural communities

Anthonia Ijeoma Onyeahialam

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper


With the emergence of web mapping technologies, maps have moved from the once static, fixed and non interactive media to that having multimedia content, text, images and photos that integrates the voices of the researched, allowing an interactive experience which leaves a reader with a feeling of having being part of the process. What we call getting more for less. Here we share our experience of using GIS as a story telling platform via a web mapping interface, as a front end to visualize and communicate narratives on globalisation (migration, remittances, food and agriculture and health) and its making and remaking of rural communities around the world. We present findings from a case study using historical data on the global sugar trade sourced from open data catalogues integrated with qualitative data and multimedia content from primary research and archives dating as far back as the 20th century. We discuss the methodologies applied, the product, challenges and the way forward.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2016
EventSpatial humanities conference -
Duration: 15 Sept 201616 Sept 2016


ConferenceSpatial humanities conference
Period15 Sept 201616 Sept 2016
Internet address


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