Green leaf area decline of wheat flag leaves: The influence of fungicides and relationships with mean grain weight and grain yield

M. J. Gooding, J. P. R. E. Dimmock, J. France, S. A. Jones

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114 Citations (Scopus)


A modified Gompertz model was derived to describe the fractional decline in green area of wheat flag leaves in field experiments where green leaf area at time t = 100exp[-exp(-k(t-m))]. Curves fitted over time to visual assessments of green leaf area (% of total leaf area) throughout flag leaf life accounted for more than 98% of variation in 45 of 48 wheat cultivar x fungicide treatment (+/-) comparisons. This data set spanned 17 yr and therefore included cultivars of contrasting parentage and age. In the absence of fungicide, green leaf area decline was associated with drought or infection with a number of foliar pathogens including Septoria tritici (sexual stage Mycospherella graminicola), Erysiphe graminis and Puccinia striiformis. Fungicides applied to the flag leaf included propiconazole, propiconazole plus tridemorph, flusilazole or azoxystrobin. Fungicide effects on m (i.e. time to 37% green area) were closely related to fungicide effects (% of untreated) on mean grain weight (variation accounted for (VAF) = 80%) and grain yield (VAF = 85%).

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)77-84
Number of pages8
JournalAnnals of Applied Biology
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 01 Feb 2000


  • Fungicide
  • Gompertz
  • Green leaf area
  • Strobilurin
  • Triazole
  • Wheat
  • Yield


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