Hardware acceleration of an immune network inspired evolutionary algorithm for medical diagnosis

Stephen L. Smith, Andrew Greensted, Jon Timmis

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference Proceeding (Non-Journal item)

3 Citations (Scopus)


This paper proposes the hardware implementation of a novel evolutionary algorithm inspired by protein/substrate binding exploited in artificial immune networks. The immune network inspired evolutionary algorithm has been developed in direct response to an application in clinical neurology, the diagnosis of Parkinson's Disease, but is now being considered for other more demanding applications where real-time processing of data is required. The inspiration for the algorithm and its proposed implementation in hardware is presented. The effectiveness of the approach is shown by results obtained from a software implementation.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationEvolvable Systems
Subtitle of host publicationFrom Biology to Hardware - 8th International Conference, ICES 2008, Proceedings
EditorsGregory S. Hornby, Lukáš Sekanina, Pauline C. Haddow
PublisherSpringer Nature
Number of pages13
ISBN (Print)3540858563, 9783540858560
Publication statusPublished - 2008
Event8th International Conference on Evolvable Systems: From Biology to Hardware, ICES 2008 - Prague, Czech Republic
Duration: 21 Sept 200824 Sept 2008

Publication series

NameLecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
Volume5216 LNCS
ISSN (Print)0302-9743
ISSN (Electronic)1611-3349


Conference8th International Conference on Evolvable Systems: From Biology to Hardware, ICES 2008
Country/TerritoryCzech Republic
Period21 Sept 200824 Sept 2008


  • Artificial immune systems
  • Evolutionary algorithm
  • Hardware acceleration
  • Immune networks
  • Parkinson's disease


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