How to Estimate Past Quantum Measurement Interventions After Continuous Monitoring

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We analyze the problem of estimating past quantum states of a monitored system from a mathematical perspective in order to ensure self-consistency with the principle of quantum nondemolition. Despite several claims of “measuring noncommuting observables” in the physics literature, we show that we are always measuring commuting processes. Our main interest is in the notion of quantum smoothing, or retrodiction. In particular, we examine proposals to estimate the result of an external measurement made on an open quantum systems during a period where it is also undergoing continuous monitoring. A full analysis shows that the nondemolition principle is in place, and so a well-posed statistical inference problem can be formulated. We extend the formalism to consider multiple independent external measurements made on the system over the course of a continual period of monitoring.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)218-227
Number of pages10
JournalRussian Journal of Mathematical Physics
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 31 May 2020


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