Implementing inhibition of return: embodied visual memory for robotic systems

Martin Hülse, Sebastian McBride, Mark Lee

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference Proceeding (Non-Journal item)

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Based on the biological phenomenon of inhibition of return, we introduce an architecture developed for an active robotic vision system where continually updated global information is used to modulate the action selection process for saccadic camera movements. This facilitates, in an extremely efficient way, the fundamental process of avoiding re-saccading to objects previously visited and, thus, is considered to have a wide-ranging application within active vision systems.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProc. 9th Int. Conf. on Epigenetic Robotics: Modeling Cognitive Development in Robotic Systems. Lund Uni. Cognitive Studies
EditorsL. Canamero, P.-Y Oudeyer, C. Balkenius
Number of pages2
Publication statusPublished - Nov 2009
Event9th International Conference on Epigenetic Robotics: Modeling Cognitive Development in Robotic Systems - Venice, Italy
Duration: 12 Nov 200914 Nov 2009


Conference9th International Conference on Epigenetic Robotics: Modeling Cognitive Development in Robotic Systems
Period12 Nov 200914 Nov 2009
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