Landscape Capriccios

Alistair Crawford

Research output: Non-textual formArtefact


From the very start I have been interested in drawing places, both landscape and architecture, the Spirit of Place. This interest has taken me on several travels to foreign lands. But I noticed early on that no matter how far you travel you can only ever find yourself. I did, however, try to portray the essence of places, in that Italy does not look like Wales, although this concept is rare in the history or art. In 2000 I returned to oil painting which I had abandoned in 1964 when I opted at art school to specialise in textile design, drawing and printmaking, (I still work with drawings, prints, photographs). On my return to oil painting I concentrated on a depiction of the Welsh landscape and I ended up painting what exists outside my back and front doors, thus the Windy Hill and Horizon series. Then I noticed that what was happening in my brain was demanding more attention. While it was always the case that in order to distill the essence of a place, my picture could well end up a capriccio, some of my Wales were now looking remarkably like my early Scotland. Thus, post 2000, this current journey in the landscape, that is, my landscape, has became a much more emotional affair, where feeling, mood, mystery, is dictating more than the need to be accurate about place. Landscape has become a metaphor, for living; you may be looking at a specific place, or you may not, it is no longer important. Landscape, after all, is a human construct. Thus, from 2000 onwards I have been working on my 'Landscape Capriccios' set; the landscape of the mind.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 29 Nov 2004


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