Landscape pattern analysis

Paola Mairota, Luigi Boccaccio, Rocco Labadessa, Vincenzo Leronni, Barbara Cafarelli, Palma Blonda, Francesco Lovergine, Guido Pasquariello, João Pradinho Honrado, Richard Maxwell Lucas, Rebecca Charnock, Michael Bailey, Harini Nagendra, Madhura Niphadkar, Vasiliki Kosmidou

Research output: Book/ReportOther report


D6.4 provides a quantitative assessment of historical changes of focal habitat and a quantitative analysis of landscape structure at the regional level in IT3 (PART 1) and anticipates the methodological outlines of the undertaken comparative habitat and landscape modelling exercise across BIO_SOS sites (PART2). These are required to support validation of the different stages outputs, of the EODHaM system.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherEuropean Commission
Number of pages82
Publication statusPublished - 31 Oct 2012


  • Quantitative landscape pattern analysis
  • habitat modelling
  • landscape modelling


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