Las Sin Tierra (7 attempted crossings of the Straits)

Jill Greenhalgh, Michael Brookes, Rosa Casado

Research output: Non-textual formPerformance


This is the first piece by Nomad Teatro. It asks questions about the phenomenon of migration. The project starts from the social, economic and cultural conflict that affects our daily lives - the movement of people from less developed to richer countries, from countries at war to those where there is peace. It was inspired by the work of the Brazilian photographer Sebastiâo Salgado and relates to the tragedies that occur at the Straits of Gibraltar, the natural frontier dividing Europe from Africa. Performers: Rosa Casado, Maria Eugenia de Castilla. Director: Jill Greenhalgh. Design: Mike Brookes. Assistant: Luis Fernández
Original languageEnglish
PublisherTeatro Nomad
Publication statusPublished - 2004


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