Making Peace, Fighting Battles in Colombia: An Annotated Interview with Juanita Goebertus

Sonia Garzón-Ramírez*

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This interview article provides a glimpse behind the scenes of making peace and shows how the engagement of a peacemaker stretches beyond practicalities and the time–space of peace talks. Based on the Colombian case, it focuses on moments of decision-making, strategic and creative thinking, conceptual debates and adversarial politics that take place throughout a peacebuilding process. Juanita Goebertus’ reflections on gender, legitimacy, and transitional justice reveal that the horizon of peace is not only shaped by the power of law, norms, and institutions but by peacemakers’ own principles and the cultural and political battles they are driven to fight.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)646-664
Number of pages19
JournalJournal of Intervention and Statebuilding
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - 07 Aug 2023


  • gender
  • Havana peace talks
  • Peace process
  • referendum
  • resistance
  • transitional justice


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