Mode III crack propagation in a bimaterial plane driven by a channel of small line defects

Andrea Piccolroaz, Natasha Movchan, Alexander Movchan, Gennady Mishuris

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We consider the quasi-static propagation of a Mode III crack along the interface in a bimaterial plane containing a finite array of small line defects (microcracks and rigid line inclusions). The microdefects are arranged to form a channel around the interface that can facilitate (or prevent) the crack propagation. The two dissimilar elastic materials are assumed to be weakly bonded, so that there is no kinking of the main crack from the straight path. On the basis of asymptotic formulae obtained by the authors, the propagation is analysed as a perturbation problem and the incremental crack advance is analytically derived at each position of the crack tip along the interface relative to the position of the defects. Numerical examples are provided showing potential applications of the proposed approach in the analysis of failure of composite materials. Extension to the case of infinite number of defects is discussed.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)239-243
Number of pages5
JournalComputational Materials Science
Publication statusPublished - 31 Oct 2012


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