Novel grasslands for agricultural production and flood mitigation

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


As part of a five-year research programme 'SureRoot', novel Festulolium hybrid populations are being developed that, in addition to providing high forage yields, will also improve soil structure sufficiently to generate important ecosystem services such as flood mitigation. As an aid to their selection, representative genotypes from these populations are being monitored for their root growth and sequential changes over time by detailed root imaging. Significantly larger and deeper root systems were found in the Festulolium populations compared with the perennial ryegrass controls. For their agronomic performance, novel amphiploid Festulolium populations and ryegrass varieties are being assessed as monocultures and in binary mixtures with a wide range of white and red clover varieties in experimental field plots
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages3
Publication statusPublished - 2017
Event19th EGF Symposium 2017: Grassland resources for extensive farming systems in marginal lands: major drivers and future scenarios - Sardinia, Italy
Duration: 07 May 201710 May 2017


Conference19th EGF Symposium 2017
Period07 May 201710 May 2017


  • Festulolium
  • legumes
  • root ontogeny
  • flood mitigation


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