Optimizing detection filters for single-grain optical dating of quartz

M. Ballarini, J. Wallinga, G. A. T. Duller, J. C. Brouwer, A. J. J. Bos, C. W. E. Van Eijk

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18 Citations (Scopus)


We investigate the use of different optical detection filters for single-grain optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) measurements of quartz samples with a Risø TL/OSL single-grain reader. We selected three filter combinations that considerably improve the light detection efficiency when compared with the 7.5 mm U340 filters that are routinely used. These are the UG1+BG4 filter combination, the 2 mm UG1 and the 2.5 mm U340 filters, which allow a greater transmission in the quartz emission band. This leads to two benefits: (1) more grains can be accepted for equivalent dose analysis, and (2) OSL responses on individual grains are determined with a greater precision. While these three alternative filter combinations perform equally well if compared to each other, we suggest the 2.5 mm thick Hoya U340 to be the filter of choice as it allows the use of blue-diode and IR-diode stimulation sources for bleaching purposes and feldspar detection.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)5-12
Number of pages8
JournalRadiation Measurements
Issue number1
Early online date01 Jul 2005
Publication statusPublished - Sept 2005


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