
Research output: Book/ReportBook


Mae trigolion pentre dychmygol Pantglas yn wynebu newid byd wrth i'r gwaith mawr ar yr argae ddigwydd o'u cwmpas. Symud fydd eu hynt, ond cyn hynny bydd llawer o dd r wedi mynd dan bont eu bywydau. Nofel egnïol sy'n defnyddio peth o hanes Llanwddyn a Llyn Efyrnwy fel man cychwyn i ddychymyg byrlymus Mihangel Morgan.

A new era is afoot for the inhabitants of imaginary village Pantglas as major work to the reservoir takes place around them. They will have to move, but a surge of water will have passed under the bridge before then. A lively novel which uses some of the history of Lake Vyrnwy and Llanwddyn as a starting point for Mihangel Morgan's riotous imagination.
Original languageWelsh
PublisherY Lolfa
Number of pages250
ISBN (Print)9781847713186
Publication statusPublished - 14 Feb 2014

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