Personality processes and intra-group dynamics in sports teams.

David Lavallee, M. B. Beauchamp, B. Jackson

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter


    Can a better understanding of group dynamics raise individual and team athletic performance or improve the outcomes of exercise interventions? Much human behaviour in sport and exercise settings is embedded within groups where individuals’ cognitions, emotions, and behaviours influence and are influenced by other group members. Group Dynamics in Exercise and Sports Psychology: Contemporary Themes explores the unique psychological dynamics that emerge in sport and exercise groups. It provides a clear and thorough guide to contemporary theory and research. Recommendations are also presented to inform applied psychology ‘best practice’. Drawing together the expertise of international specialists from sports and exercise psychology, the text covers core themes as well as emerging issues in group dynamics. The text is organised into four sections: Part 1: The Self in Groups. Part 2: Leadership in Groups. Part 3: Group Environment. Part 4: Motivation in Groups. Group Dynamics in Exercise and Sports Psychology: Contemporary Themes will be of interest to psychology, kinesiology, sport and exercise science students and researchers, as well as to consultants and coaches.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationGroup dynamics in sport and exercise psychology: Contemporary themes
    EditorsM. R. Beauchamp, M. Eys
    PublisherTaylor & Francis
    Number of pages17
    Publication statusPublished - Nov 2007


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