Perturbation analysis of Mode III interfacial cracks advancing in a dilute heterogeneous material

Gennady Mishuris, Natasha Movchan, Alexander Movchan, Andrea Piccolroaz

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The paper addresses the problem of a Mode III interfacial crack advancing quasi-statically in a heterogeneous composite material, that is a two-phase material containing elastic inclusions, both soft and stiff, and defects, such as microcracks, rigid line inclusions and voids. It is assumed that the bonding between dissimilar elastic materials is weak so that the interface is a preferential path for the crack. The perturbation analysis is made possible by means of the fundamental solutions (symmetric and skew-symmetric weight functions) derived in Piccolroaz et al. (2009). We derive the dipole matrices of the defects in question and use the corresponding dipole fields to evaluate effective tractions along the crack faces and interface to describe the interaction between the main interfacial crack and the defects. For a stable propagation of the crack, the perturbation of the stress intensity factor induced by the defects is then balanced by the elongation of the crack along the interface, thus giving an explicit asymptotic formula for the calculation of the crack advance. The method is general and applicable to interfacial cracks with general distributed loading on the crack faces, taking into account possible asymmetry in the boundary conditions. The analytical results are used to analyse the shielding and amplification effects of various types of defects in different configurations. Numerical computations based on the explicit analytical formulae allows for the analysis of crack propagation and arrest.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)244-255
Number of pages12
JournalInternational Journal of Solids and Structures
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 14 Jan 2012


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