Priming exercise speeds pulmonary O2 uptake kinetics during supine "work-to-work" high-intensity cycle exercise

Fred J. DiMenna, Daryl P. Wilkerson, Mark Burnley, Stephen J. Bailey, Andrew M. Jones

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    32 Citations (Scopus)


    We manipulated the baseline metabolic rate and body position to explore the effect of the interaction between recruitment of discrete sections of the muscle fiber pool and muscle O2 delivery on pulmonary O2 uptake (O2) kinetics during cycle exercise. We hypothesized that phase II O2 kinetics (p) in the transition from moderate- to severe-intensity exercise would be significantly slower in the supine than upright position because of a compromise to muscle perfusion and that a priming bout of severe-intensity exercise would return p during supine exercise to p during upright exercise. Eight male subjects [35 ± 13 (SD) yr] completed a series of 'step' transitions to severe-intensity cycle exercise from an 'unloaded' (20-W) baseline and a baseline of moderate-intensity exercise in the supine and upright body positions. p was not significantly different between supine and upright exercise during transitions from a 20-W baseline to moderate- or severe-intensity exercise but was significantly greater during moderate- to severe-intensity exercise in the supine position (54 ± 19 vs. 38 ± 10 s, P <0.05). Priming significantly reduced p during moderate- to severe-intensity supine exercise (34 ± 9 s), returning it to a value that was not significantly different from p in the upright position. This effect occurred in the absence of changes in estimated muscle fractional O2 extraction (from the near-infrared spectroscopy-derived deoxygenated Hb concentration signal), such that the priming-induced facilitation of muscle blood flow matched increased O2 utilization in the recruited fibers, resulting in a speeding of O2 kinetics. These findings suggest that, during supine cycling, priming speeds O2 kinetics by providing an increased driving pressure for O2 diffusion in the higher-order (i.e., type II) fibers, which would be recruited in the transition from moderate- to severe-intensity exercise and are known to be especially sensitive to limitations in O2 supply.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)283-292
    Number of pages10
    JournalJournal of Applied Physiology
    Issue number2
    Early online date03 Dec 2009
    Publication statusPublished - 01 Feb 2010


    • oxygen uptake kinetics
    • phase II time constant
    • supine exercise
    • work-to-work transition
    • priming exercise


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