RLumCarlo: Simulating Cold Light using Monte Carlo Methods

Sebastian Kreutzer (Corresponding Author), Johannes Friedrich, Vasilis Pagonis, Christian Laag, Ena Rajovic, Christoph Schmidt

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The luminescence phenomena of insulators and semiconductors (e.g., natural minerals such as quartz) have various application domains. For instance, Earth Sciences and archaeology exploit luminescence as a dating method. Herein, we present the R package RLumCarlo implementing sets of luminescence models to be simulated with Monte Carlo (MC) methods. MC methods make a powerful ally to all kinds of simulation attempts involving stochastic processes. Luminescence production is such a stochastic process in the form of charge (electron-hole pairs) interaction within insulators and semiconductors. To simulate luminescence-signal curves, we distribute single and independent MC processes to virtual MC clusters. RLumCarlo comes with a modularized design and consistent user interface: (1) C++ functions represent the modeling core and implement models for specific stimulations modes. (2) R functions give access to combinations of models and stimulation modes, start the simulation and render terminal and graphical feedback. The combination of MC clusters supports the simulation of complex luminescence phenomena.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)351-365
Number of pages15
JournalThe R Journal
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 07 Jun 2021


  • Luminescence dating
  • Monte Carlo simulation
  • R
  • Energy-band models


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