Synaptonemal complex formation in hybrids of Lolium temulentum x Lolium perenne (L.) III: Tetraploid

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Comparisons were made between two kinds of tetraploids derived from the hybrid Lolium temulentum x L. perenne. One hybrid behaves like an autotetraploid with multivalents at first metaphase of meiosis in pollen mother cells. The other behaves like an allotetraploid, in which pairing at first metaphase is restricted to bivalents comprised of strictly homologous chromosomes. The “diploidisation” of the latter form is controlled by determinants located on both the normal, A chromosomes and on supernumary B chromosomes. Reconstruction of synaptonemal complexes and their elements, from serial sections through pollen mother cell nuclei examined under the electron microscope, reveals that at zygotene pairing in both forms results in multivalent formation involving non-homologous as well as homologous chromosomes. The mechanism responsible for the diploidisation is, therefore, not based on a restriction of pairing at early meiosis to homologous chromosomes but on a “correction” or transformation of the multivalent chromosome associations to bivalents subsequent to zygotene. The transformation is not completed until late pachytene. In the multivalent-forming tetraploid a maximum of four chromosomes are associated at first metaphase. Yet configurations of a higher valency are found at zygotene. There is, therefore, a partial transformation of multivalents even in this autotetraploid form which restricts configurations at metaphase I to homologous and homoeologous chromosomes only. In both hybrids some homologous bivalents are not the product of resolution of multivalents but result from two-by-two pairing from the beginning of zygotene.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)413-419
Number of pages7
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - 01 Apr 1986


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