The distribution of chlorine and iodine in soil in the vicinity of lead mining and smelting operations, Bixby area, S.E. Missouri, U.S.A.

R. Fuge*, M. J. Andrews, T. E. Clevenger, B. E. Davies, N. L. Gale, C. F. Paveley, B. G. Wixson

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4 Citations (Scopus)


Iodine and Cl are enriched in soils in the vicinity of the Magmont and Buick lead mines near Bixby, southeastern Missouri. The enrichments, up to 5.6 ppm I and 305 ppm Cl, are against regional background of 1.26 ppm I and 41 ppm Cl. The area of highest I and Cl is thought to reflect a zone of base metal sulphide mineralization occurring about 400 m below the surface. Iodine and Cl are also enriched in soils immediately adjacent to a tailings pond, hence these elements would appear to be leached from this source. A zone of enhanced I values (up to 2.65 ppm I) to the north of a lead smelter is superimposed on a much larger zone of lead enrichment (up to 12,000 ppm Pb) and is thought to represent I released from sulphide ores on smelting.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)517-521
Number of pages5
JournalApplied Geochemistry
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - 1988


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