The economic reality of underutilised crops for climate resilience, food security and nutrition: Assessing finger millet productivity in India

C. Grovermann, K.B. Umesh, S. Quiédeville, B. Ganesh Kumar, S. Sakamma, S. Moakes

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

19 Citations (Scopus)


In spite of the considerable potential contribution of neglected and underutilised crops to climate resilience, food security and nutrition; widespread adoption of these crops remains a challenge. Uptake is inhibited by poor economic performance due to low yields, compounded further by various social factors. Using farm survey data and aggregated time-series data from four states in southern India, this study examines factors influencing productivity in finger millet cultivation. A farm-level yield gap analysis is complemented by an analysis of total factor productivity (TFP) growth between 1999 and 2014 to better understand the role of research and innovation. Results suggest that there is considerable potential for improved growing practices to achieve better yields, but also education levels and technical support emerge as crucial factors for boosting finger millet productivity. The TFP analysis indicates a moderate level of growth, with a high variability and conflicting trends between states, suggesting a need to invest more in research and development, extension and infrastructure. Sustained productivity gains will require research efforts that respond to the needs expressed by farmers and that finger millet forms part of an overall strategy for sustainable intensification.

Original languageEnglish
Article number131
Issue number9
Publication statusPublished - 27 Aug 2018


  • Finger millet
  • Tornqvist-theil index
  • Total factor productivity
  • Yield gap analysis


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