The fate of multivalents during meiotic prophase in the hybrid Gibasis consobrina x G. karwinskyana Rafin. (Commelinaceae)

A. Davies, G. Jenkins, H. Rees

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2 Citations (Scopus)


The chromosomes of the two closely related diploid species, Gibasis consobrina and G. karwinskyana (Commelinaceae; 2n=2x=10), are morphologically alike, yet form few chiasmate associations at metaphase I in the f1 hybrid. During meiotic prophase, however, synaptonemal complexes join the majority of the chromosomes of the complement in complex multiple pairing configurations. The F1 hybrid between different tetraploid genotypes of the same two species similarly forms multivalents during meiotic prophase, which are subsequently eliminated in favour of strictly homologous bivalents before metaphase I. One quadrivalent comprising interchange chromosomes inherited from one of the parents, usually persists to first metaphase. Evidently the resolution of multivalents to bivalents at first metaphase, which accounts for diploidisation, is not attributable to the elimination of multivalents per se, but of multivalents comprising chromosomes of limited homology.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)103-110
Number of pages8
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 01 Nov 1990


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