The Media in Wales: Voices of a Small Nation

David Barlow, Thomas O'Malley, Philip Mitchell

Research output: Book/ReportBook


The Media in Wales maps the history and current situation of the media in Wales in an accessible manner and contributes to current debates on the present and future role(s) of the Welsh media. It includes chapters on radio, television, the press, cinema and media policy relating to Wales; each chapter deals with historical background, a contemporary overview and discussions of key issues such as national identity, language and geography. As the first book to describe and analyse the media in Wales in any substantial detail, it pays thorough attention to both English- and Welsh-language media. In addition, the authors provide an extensive bibliography and guide to available media resources.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherGwasg Prifysgol Cymru | University of Wales Press
ISBN (Print)0-70831840-1, 978-0708318393
Publication statusPublished - 05 Jun 2005


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