The Transfer of Knowledge from Large Organizations to Small: Experiences from a Research Project on Digitization in Wales

Clare Wood-Fisher, Sarah Higgins, Lucy Tedd, Richard Gough, Amy Staniforth, Menna Morgan

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This paper describes a research project being undertaken for a Masters of Philosophy degree which investigates how knowledge can be transferred from large organizations to small ones. The area being investigated involves the digitization of photographic collections held by cultural memory institutions in Wales. The researcher has spent time learning about digitization and digitizing two collections at the National Library of Wales. From this a toolkit has been developed and is being tested by digitizing a small archive of photographs at the Centre for Performance Research at Aberystwyth University. The research is being funded by the Knowledge Economy Skills Scholarship (KESS) programme, which aims to build knowledge and skills in the 'convergence' area of Wales. Supervision is being carried out by academic staff at Aberystwyth University.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 31 Oct 2011
EventInternational Conference on Integrated Information 2011 - Kos, Greece
Duration: 01 Oct 201101 Oct 2011


ConferenceInternational Conference on Integrated Information 2011
CityKos, Greece
Period01 Oct 201101 Oct 2011


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