Validation of the k-filtering technique for a signal composed of random phase plane waves and non-random coherent structures

O. W. Roberts, X. Li, L. Jeska

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Recent observations of astrophysical magnetic fields have shown the presence of fluctuations being wavelike (propagating in the plasma frame) and those described as being structure-like (advected by the plasma bulk velocity). Typically with single-spacecraft missions it is impossible to differentiate between these two fluctuations, due to the inherent spatio-temporal ambiguity associated with a single point measurement. However missions such as Cluster which contain multiple spacecraft have allowed for temporal and spatial changes to be resolved, using techniques such as k filtering. While this technique does not assume Taylor's hypothesis it requires both weak stationarity of the time series and that the fluctuations can be described by a superposition of plane waves with random phases. In this paper we test whether the method can cope with a synthetic signal which is composed of a combination of non-random-phase coherent structures with a mean radius d and a mean separation λ, as well as plane waves with random phase.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)247-254
Number of pages8
JournalGeoscientific Instrumentation, Methods and Data Systems
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 23 Dec 2014


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