The Project will provide a procedure for analysis of EU bathing waters for noroviruses and adenoviruses by validated comparisons of methods for processing water samples to achieve the best virus recovery consistent with cost and feasibility of use in routine monitoring laboratories. Objectives are(a) compare methods for norovirus and adenovirus detection in recreational waters(b) derive a combination of concentration and detection techniques to provide a reproducible system of testing bathing waters for the target viruses(c) furnish scientific evidence to provide support for norovirus and adenovirus testing of environmental samples in respect of their role as the appropriate viral indicator of faecal pollution (c) prepare the technology for Accession States as part of the development of their environmental and social programmes(d) share technology between laboratories to achieve wider competence in the virological analysis of environmental materials. Detection by PCR and cell culture together with the concentration procedure will provide a combined technique. PCR products will be sequenced and data analysed to derive strain and serotype information. The work addresses the research objectives of SSP 8.1 task 1.5 directly through relevance to the revision of the Bathing Water Directive. Inter-Laboratory comparisons and a large field based surveillance Phase are integrated to ensure that the new combined method will have immediate applicability in EU bathing water monitoring. It will be done by 16 Participant Laboratories in a unified approach to derive a harmonised combined method to provide credibility for future monitoring regimes give the potential to place a virus parameter on a footing equal to the bacterial indicators. Inclusion of Laboratories representative of the Accession States will ensure rapid dissemination to enhance the monitoring of their bathing waters and thus sustain the development of their own tourism and that of the European tourism worldwide.
Original language | English |
Publisher | European Commission |
Number of pages | 232 |
Publication status | Published - 31 Mar 2007 |