A study of motivation and the satisficing approaches used by Professional Craft Artists

Student thesis: Doctoral ThesisDoctor of Philosophy


This research investigates the way in which Professional Craft Artists (Pro-C Artists) operating in the rural sub-regions of Wales achieve a balance between co-existing, paradoxical motives. Previous studies have identified the existence of both intrinsic and extrinsic motives within the visual arts (Hirschman, 1983; RIPPLE, 1998; Fillis & McAuley, 2005) in, for example, the need to both earn an income and gain self-fulfilment from creative work. Such circumstances are investigated in this study, where the settlement of a satisfactory outcome both in terms of the level of satisfaction and income received can be seen in the production of visual art and craft. Intrinsic and extrinsic motives are considered, alongside external socio-environmental factors including location, materials and networks, in order to investigate paradoxical motives in creative work. Quantitative questionnaires have been used to identify Pro-C Artists operating within Pembrokeshire, Ceredigion, Carmarthenshire and Powys and select seventeen participants who took part in the research. Qualitative interviews are used to identify motives and satisficing approaches used in the visual arts sector. The findings from this research highlight the three main satisficing approaches that are used to manage conflicting tensions. These are presented in the concluding section to explain the significance of managing such tensions within the workplace, and also in relation to current rural strategies and creative support organisations, to consider how investment in the visual arts sector may contribute to rural localities
Date of Award22 Feb 2016
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • Aberystwyth University
SponsorsKnowledge Economy Skills Scholarships
SupervisorSteven McGuire (Supervisor) & Rachel Rahman (Supervisor)

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