An Investigation of the National Self through the Concepts of Subjectivity and Disclosure

  • Nicholas Morgan

Student thesis: Doctoral ThesisDoctor of Philosophy


This thesis argues that "national subjectivity" is a valuable concept which can provide a more nuanced and comprehensive conceptual understanding of national identity than is currently available. Using notions of discourse and subjectivity developed by Michel Foucault and the Essex School of Discourse Theory, and taking Wales as a case-study, it advances a theoretical framework for exploring and bringing new insights to the national self and the role of the nation in people’s daily lives. The theoretical framework puts forth an understanding of the national self that investigates the discursive production of the individual as a national subject, the nature of national subjectivity, and the ethical implications of national subjectivities, such that a national subjectivity confers ethical schemata which shape the conduct, values, choices and other aspects of the individual’s day-to-day life. Using interview data collected through field work carried out with Welsh language learners in three regions within Wales, this thesis empirically examines the insights that this theoretical framework can contribute to the understanding of the national self, and its complex, fluid, self-constructed, creatively negotiated, and impactful nature.
Date of Award2018
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • Aberystwyth University
SupervisorAnwen Elias (Supervisor) & Brieg Powel (Supervisor)


  • nations
  • nationalism
  • identity
  • subjectivity
  • discourse

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