Experiences and approaches to the Sime Darby land grab in Senjeh District, Liberia

  • Fidel Christian Tarpeh Budy

Student thesis: Doctoral ThesisDoctor of Philosophy


This thesis examines the question: How has the Sime Darby land grab impacted on livelihoods, power, identity politics and access to land from the perspective of residents of Senjeh District in Liberia, and how are they responding to those impacts? Strategies to mitigate major global crises around food, energy/fuel, climate change and financial crisis have led to an increase in the demand for and acquisition of large swathes of land in the Global South and Africa in particular. Supporters and critics of the phenomenon each present oversimplified dichotomous narratives about the impacts of the phenomenon. They also present rural people affected by the phenomenon as collectively experiencing and responding to the phenomenon. Supporters say large-scale land deals are good for rural development and critics say that they have entirely negative impacts on livelihoods, power, land rights and identity politics. Building on the growing body of literature challenging the oversimplification of the impacts of the phenomenon, this project brings fresh perspectives to the debate from Liberia in West Africa. The project utilised a case study framework and employed qualitative interviews with affected residents of the Sime Darby land grab in Senjeh District in Liberia to develop the key argument that the nature of the impacts of the Sime Darby land grab on livelihoods, power, identity politics and access to land for Senjeh residents is complex and multifaceted. It led to mostly negative experiences for residents with some experiences more severe than others; yet residents were not merely passive actors but demonstrated resilience including political reactions from below to the hardships and negative outcomes of the transfer of control over the land to Sime Darby
Date of Award2020
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • Aberystwyth University
SponsorsEuropean Research Council
SupervisorJesse Heley (Supervisor) & Michael Woods (Supervisor)

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