Factors influencing timely completion of oil and gas construction projects in the United Arab Emirtes

  • Mohamed Al-Kaabi

Student thesis: Doctoral ThesisDoctor of Professional Studies


Purpose: Since discovering oil in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), the critical oil-producing and exporting companies have been operating their project activities within the Abu Dhabi Emirate territory. These companies invest in construction projects as an integral infrastructure part of oil production and processing industries. The author is associated with a company with several factors causing delays in its construction projects. However, we determined five factors that commonly cause these delays to analyse their influence on the projected timeline of the construction projects in the oil industries and their potential consequences. A broad review of the relevant research literature helped formulate the research questions and hypotheses.

Design/Methodology/Approach: Quantitative data were collected using an online questionnaire based on Monkey-Survey. The survey sample consisted of construction project managers who shared information about the negative consequences of the five factors reported as causing delays associated with construction projects in the oil industry. As a result, the quantitative data analysis included 258 completed and usable questionnaires (34.4%) using SPSS. The analysed data aimed to validate the proposed research framework for providing relevant practical solutions to avert the consequences of the five selected delay-causing factors. The methodology used to conduct this research is based on descriptive and inferential statistical techniques. Percentages, averages, and standard deviations are used to explain the characteristics and the demographic profile of the participants in the study. Correlation and regression analysis are used to validate the hypotheses of the researcher.

Findings and Discussion The inferential statistical analysis revealed that only two independent variables, i.e., resources allocation, and contractor’s performance variables, were included within the fitted model developed through the multiple regression modeling. The other three
variables under investigation, i.e., project planning, project monitoring, and project leadership were not significant and should be excluded from the regression model as the P-values of these variables were more than 0.05. Hence, the resources allocation and contractor’s performance play a good job in predicting the timely project completion. The findings of the correlation analysis imply that resource allocation and contractor’s performance have the strongest and most positive implications on a timely project completion. While the other factors having weaker positive relationships with the timely project completion.
Date of Award2021
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • Aberystwyth University
SupervisorWyn Morris (Supervisor) & Nicholas Perdikis (Supervisor)

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