Influence of Value-Added Intellectual Capital on Banks Performance
: (An Applied Awareness’s Study on Local banks Listed in the UAE Security Markets)

  • Talal Al Wahshi

Student thesis: Doctoral ThesisDoctor of Professional Studies


This research has addressed following objectives: (1) To explore how far local banks listed in the UAE securities markets are concerned with the intellectual capital and its spread among employees; (2) To trace if local banks listed in the UAE securities markets gain added value from their intellectual capital; (3) To analyse the impact of the added value of intellectual capital (VAICTM) and its components impact on listed local banks’ performance in the UAE securities markets; (4) To determine which components of intellectual capital have the greatest influence on the performance of local banks listed in the UAE securities markets; (5) To provide a set of recommendations to the management of these banks based on the results of this study. The population consists of all (22) local banks operating in the UAE and listed in both Abu Dhabi Securities Exchange (ADX) and Dubai financial market (DFM) from 2013 to 2017. A comprehensive survey of the population reveals that the number of banks listed in the (ADX) has reached (14) banks, while the number of banks listed in the (DFM) has reached (8) banks. Top managements of the local banks listed in the UAE are highly interested in the intellectual capital concept and works to disseminate it among its employees, and they are concerned with the structural capital more than the other elements of intellectual capital (HC and RC). Employees believe that the top management in these banks does not create competition between employees through appointing distinguished employees in the RandD centres, as well as they do not work to establish reciprocal relationships with other banks. The banks also encourage higher management employees to undertake national and international courses with which they can benefit the banks. The experience gained in innovative products of banking would impact positively on the bank’s performance.
Date of Award2022
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • Aberystwyth University
SupervisorSarah Lindop (Supervisor) & Aloysius Igboekwu (Supervisor)

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