Moving towards Artificial Intelligence (AI) and planning of youth for future livelihood
: Perspective of Public Sector Employees in UAE

  • Rashed Saqer Obaid Hamad Aldhaheri

Student thesis: Doctoral ThesisDoctor of Professional Studies


This research aims to analyse the perceptions of employees in government organizations concerning the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on their jobs and their planning for their future livelihood. The government of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) is investing time and financial resources to increase the number of digital services equipped with AI in different sectors (Haneya et al., 2021). The study includes the perspective of current employees of government organizations as well as the policy measures enacted by the government to provide alternative livelihood options for people. This is an exploratory study focusing on people’s perceptions and planning for future earning in response to the application of AI in public sector organizations. To achieve this, the researcher adopted a mixed methods research methodology involving a quantitative survey of 254 respondents and 16 qualitative interviews. The findings of the study show that new employment opportunities for the citizens of the UAE are expected through the implementation of AI. The participants argued that use of AI is not an independent phenomenon as human input will be required to keep AI working in government organizations. The implementation of AI is at an early stage of planning in the country, and the participants are anticipating positive consequences from AI implementation. The findings of this research will help policy makers to make decisions related to the future employment of employees working in public sector organizations. Moreover, the findings will help organizations to arrange learning material and training for employees regarding preparing them to work with AI. This research will also provide the foundation for further research on this topic within the UAE.
Date of Award2023
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • Aberystwyth University
SupervisorSophie Bennett-Gillison (Supervisor) & Andrew Thomas (Supervisor)

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