Quality management in organization of the United Arab Emirates nature and influence in achieving competitive effectiveness

  • Ali Rashed Mohammed Alkuwaiti

Student thesis: Doctoral ThesisDoctor of Philosophy


In various organisations worldwide, several studies have illustrated the effectiveness of implementing the TQM approach. This study aims at testing the competitive effectiveness of Total Quality Management (TQM) at UAE organisations. The study utilised the mixed methods research approach as quantitative and qualitative data was collected and analysed within the same framework. The study used Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), starting with Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA). The study used a sample size of (493) for the questionnaire survey and (24) face-to-face semi-structured telephone interviews with employees of (5) UAE organisations. The study found that certain factors have positively impacted the effectiveness of implementing TQM in UAE organisations. The results of the study showed that quality management positively influenced innovation, in terms of product and process. The results exemplify a constructive impact on top management leadership. The results found a useful influence of innovation on operating results; observations showed that companies tend to introduce incremental innovations of the product or service to a greater extent. Similarly, process innovation demonstrated a productive influence on operating results as companies are more inclined to make small changes in processes. Overall, both product and process innovations have a constructive influence on operating results. These improvements do not necessarily have a positive effect on the product or process individually, but innovations also tend to continuously improve the products and the processes together.
These results support the literature that indicates the positive relationship between product service innovation, operational and financial results. There are quality management practices that if performed correctly by managers can increase product and process innovation, financial and operational results. Limitations of this study included sample size which restricted the generalisation of the whole population. In addition, there was a shortage of data (reliable or unreliable) regarding the implementation of TQM at UAE organisations which affected the accuracy of results. UAE organisations are recommended to increase their level of quality management by adopting more advanced activities such as: formally involve all departments in the development of the product and use quality data to improve the product and / or service. This could improve product design and supplier management, respectively.
Date of Award2022
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • Aberystwyth University
SupervisorHugh Preston (Supervisor)

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